mel mcveigh studio

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Public speaking - I speak on a variety of topics

Visual storytelling in the world of algorithmic narratives

Overview: Photography is now a commodity traded on digital platforms. But what about meaning, experience, narrative and ultimately memory. Can an AI really understand learn someone memory and translation of an image based on their own personal experience.

Navigating authenticity in a world of swipe right, swipe left

Overview: What is photography when we have digital technologies, AI and algorithms that decide what good looks like. How do we reclaim our personal stories and tell authentic and real narratives that are not composited or imagined but real.

Visual storytelling & business strategy

Overview: Creative strategy and visual storytelling through images and prototyping can make or break a strategy. Strategy is more than data, spreadsheets and financial projections. Ultimately it relies on brand, customers and transforming perception in the minds of your stakeholders and ultimately your customers.

When ideas have sex - when strategy and creativity meet

Overview: The space where a strategic insight or plan becomes reality through creativity and execution. How to transfer from that world of fuzzy ideas into something real and tangible.