mel mcveigh - visual artist, photographer, chief digital officer

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Melbourne Airport - Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn - Quarantine

14 Days Later

In December 2020, I returned to Melbourne for XMAS. In the season of Covid and quarantine, I was locked inside a room for 14 days. No ability to open a window, no fresh air and no ability to go outside.

While jetlagged consumed me, I photographed my fellow inhabitants… Quarantine Diaries and also myself. To keep myself occupied. This is my view from inside these four walls

footnote: these four walls or behind closed doors - about the project which is work in progress

About these four walls, is an attempt to photograph myself inside the places I inhabit.

This is an extension of my travels around the world.

I have decided no matter simple, silly or contrived the images, to photograph myself inside the space. I hate being photographed so my challenge to myself is to discover myself in front of the camera.