Albania, Tirana
Albania 2023
You need to go away fall apart to come back
dreams coming to collect
you are not in my dreams anymore
what do i need when i have all that i want
i don't lie in bed lonely anymore
i may be alone at night but i have you by my side
love is a moment, a tiny seed
it can be nothing and everything
all i wanted was that night
just a night of talking
the most thoughful gift
i was not expecting it
dont read too much
but a moment a seed
it is a slow dance
a caress
a push pull
never a rejection
but and dance of emotions
good and bad
i am ready to cut you off at a moment
then i realise
it is a tickle
i am trying not to like you
you asked me not to
i want to be in your arms
to collapse
footnote: these four walls or behind closed doors - about the project which is work in progress
About these four walls, is an attempt to photograph myself inside the places I inhabit.
This is an extension of my travels around the world.
I have decided no matter simple, silly or contrived the images, to photograph myself inside the space. I hate being photographed so my challenge to myself is to discover myself in front of the camera.